“Maxi” Department Store “Going Green”




The entire world is becoming more aware of the importance of environmental preservation and companies, hotels and other business institutions are taking small steps to do their part in protecting the interest of the surroundings they operate in. One such company to take the plunge, is none other than the “Maxi Department Store,” whose claim to fame revolves around the tag-line of being able to “protect its consumers from high prices.”

“Maxi” has gone green in all its “cost saving power” and “MarketingNotesJA” loves it. The department store, as apart of its “going green” initiative now gives consumers the choice to, for the price of $100.00, purchase a “Maxi” themed bag that is biodegradable and fully recyclable. Is the bag too expensive though? We certainly believe so, the price tag is too high for an attempt made by a company to save the environment.

Who would’ve expected “Maxi” to do this though? We certainly didn’t, which should explain why they made their way into our blog post for this week. Keep up the good job “Maxi”, we applaud your marketing efforts, even if it comes in the form of a Maxi themed “big blue bag.”


  1. Actually I disagree with you that 150.00 for a reusable recyclable bag that will help the environment is too expensive. We as a country needs to start putting value on things that are not “pretty pretty, shiny shiny”.

    I for one is ok with Maxi selling their bag for this amount. Let’s put this in perspective. Scotia charges the same amount if you have a balance lower than $5000 in your account.

    And they recycle that charge every month.

    • I admired the fact that you left a comment…. We originally wrote this article to be contovertial, and it appears to be working. But will jamaicans buy into the idea of that strategy? We believe they need to do more… Maybe use pamphlets to educate people about why its important for them to buy into or support this initiative. Its not a lot of money, but we need more education about the subject before we spend the money on a bag that most of us will never use again.

  2. Yea, I have to disagree as well. This is a trend that has been going on in the US and Europe for quite some time. for $150 you get a bag that is not only environmentally friendly but can be re-used.

    I think they should offer some incentive for doing this though. Make it that people want to buy the bag. Even if it is some short-term promotion.

    • “I think they should offer some incentive for doing this though. Make it that people want to buy the bag. Even if it is some short-term promotion.”
      This is what we agree with… Which is why the post was written that way. They have to sell the idea to us, for us to support them. Its for a good cause but we need to be educated.

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